got in trouble for pda? (public display of affection)?


New member
Nov 11, 2011
Today after school me and my boyfriend were walking through the hall with my best friend (who's a girl) who had to stop at her locker. She mentioned to me that a teacher was staring at me and my boyfriend, because I was jokingly dragging him by the arm across the hall. I didn't really think much of it and started to poke/squeeze like right above his hip (like his waist i guess). The teacher that was watching us then proceeded to call me out and say something like "keep your hands where they're suppose to be. I found that really embarrassing and a little uncalled for. Like we weren't kissing or even hugging, so i don't know that was such a problem. It made me feel really embarrassed cause she said that in a hallway full of kids. Do you think that is such an issue to where i needed to be told to stop ? Im really embarrassed
I think it's because you where kinda close to his disco stick and she didn't want any of that.