Good fantasy/ sci fi epic series?


New member
May 2, 2013
I have read the usually (Harry potter, lotr, wheel of time, malazan book of the fallen, Enders game, song of ice and fire, sword of truth, etc) but I'm looking for something new now. The longer the better, preferably thousands of pages.
If you have never read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, I HIGHLY recommend it. Even non-king fans will enjoy these books. It's 7 books with the last being 2k pages. I have read the series twice now and started it again last week. Not really sci-fi but deals with time travel and just an epic story.
Only long cumulatively, and therefore less "epic" than you seem to want, you could nevertheless give the Rivers of London books (of which the first has that title) by Ben Aaronovitch. It's got magic existing in the modern, mundane world, but it's also a police procedural. When a vengeful spirit starts causing havok in London, lunacy results.

Or, for a longer read, give Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn books a try - set to be a nonology when he eventually finishes them, they're set in three eras of that world - a medieval-like era, a cusp of an industrial revolution Western era and a spacefaring sci-fi future. Last I checked, he'd finished off the medieval trilogy, the Hero of Ages trilogy, and started his Western theme, so there are four books waiting to be devoured.

The central idea revolves around "allomancy", the ability to consume metals and use them to perform magical feats- for instance a user of tin has heightened senses, pewter increases your physical abilities and steel and iron let you fling lumps of metal around with your mind. The books seem to be right up your street. Epic, high fantasy; clever, well told, and just for you, the books are nice and long, to boot. :)

The first book of that series is called the Final Empire, and it's well worth the read.