Good beginner sport bike for girl...?


New member
Feb 27, 2013
I have been riding dirt bikes almost 3 years now so I have a little experience.
I am 5'7" and thin, I like to think I am strong how ever don't want a heavy bike.
I have always had hondas and prefer them over most other brands. I looked into the 250 ninja
but think I will get bored with it and would like something with a little more power.
I love the look of the cbr 600s but think they may be too heavy and quick.
Any advice would be appreciated as I do not know much about street bikes.
Thanks in advance
I know how you feel. I didnt want to blow 3-4,000$ on something I was just going to return in a month.

Im 5'11" 125lbs, pretty dam weak and I personally own/ride a cbr 600rr. Its a very intimidating bike at first.. about 5 feet long and 400lbs. At first it was very heavy but after about a month of cruising around the neighborhood (not on the main road.. you will kill yourself) it does get easier.

Buy a 600rr if its what you truly want. Try and get lessons if possible! Ride around your neighborhood and empty parking lots for a few weeks at the least. Its what I did and ive been riding for about 6 months without tipping it over once.
Ok: bikes only go as fast as you turn the throttle. Heavy?? Laws of inertia apply to everything. Bicycle to bosshoss. The key is can you put your feet flat on the ground?? I know women that ride Harley baggers. From kick stand to up rite is nothing. If the bike falls get away from it. You should know that from dirt riding.
I recommend a 250 cc bike, you like Honda, the CBR 250.
That said-
Think you'll get bored, you really don't know HOW to ride. Watch Ninja 250 at Laguna Seca on you-tube that guy knows how to ride.
Still bored?!? Than how about a Ninja 500, WAY tamer than the CBR 600.
Want a fun bike that fits quite a few people? Try throwing your leg over a Suzuki SV 650.

I might get bored riding a Ninja 250 on the freeway but get me on a track or just city streets I'd have a blast.
Get the Ninja 300R. Its a good beginner bike and you will gain confidence and be able to move up to a larger bike later.