Going coyote hunting tomorrow, witch of these calls should I use in the area...


May 12, 2008
Personally i have never had much luck with the recorded calls. the same thing would happen to me they would bark and howl but never come in. Last year i finally called one in with a mouth call i bought. dont know if it was just luck or not but im gonna try it again the next time i go.
...Im hunting? Wich of these free calls that I downloaded from www.varmintal.com would have the best results in Northern Utah in February? Are the coyotes mateing? Are the pups leaving the den?

Last time I went out I used the 16 min sequence on varmintals site. I had coyotes howling and barking in the distance but they did not come in. I think they knew I was there. So I camouflaged my gun, bought coon urine scent cover, and a cotton tail rabbit decoy. I'm going to go try again tomorrow, but I want to make my own calling sequence using the free calls on www.varmintal.com. What whould be the best and how much time should I leave between each call?

P.S. If you have time please listen to some of the calls and see if they are good or if they are a waist of time. They have success stories on the site so I have hope that the mp3 will work for me. And let me know if the calls in the 16 min sequence are good for my area and if there is enough time between each call. (I think it is like 2 min salience)

Thank you very much