GNC Preventive Nutrition® Complete Body Cleansing 7-day Program good for...


New member
Aug 23, 2008
...weight loss or just detox?? I am about to try the Preventive Nutrition® Complete Body Cleansing 7-day Program by GNC and was wondering if anyone knows if it helps shed pounds or if its more of a detox for the health and well-being of your body? would love to hear from someone who has actually done it or knows of another cleansing program that is good! thanks!!
I used to work for GNC, it is only for detox, and even then isn't guaranteed to work, or work at all. If you lose any weight, it is just garbage your body collects and hasn't gotten rid of and after the 7 day program, you will start to get it back.

*sigh* when will people realize there is no quick way to good health.