Global Meditation | Liberate Us and A New Earth | D Agostino - Nov 22,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
During this program we intentionally anchored the vibrational frequency of a new dimension that opened during the 11th Gate 11:11 Activation on 11.22.12 for you to listen now and strengthen [energize]. Its time to stop pretending who we are not, and become what we truly are. This program invites you to FOCUS the Power you are, and begin to see your intentions made manifest! Listen now to facilitate the Gateway [11.22.12 Decree], and intentionally end extreme negativity that keeps us cycling in pain, suffering, fear, powerlessness, and scarcity! Get crystal clear about what will make your heart sing, so that you bring it into physical reality. We agree to energize one anothers intentions to make it so! Breaking GAZA ceasefire agreement achieved 11.21.12 is a new beginning! We created wheels within wheels of rainbow vortices of Light, to amass enough Light to complete the Compression Grid, and trigger the final clearing of all remaining darkness and duality on Earth. You can add to this victory through the Decree and will it to be so, which add to the Light of the world. The Power of our collective will to unite in heart centered intention and focused attention, energetically smooths our exit out of the event horizon of the black hole that has been our reality for the last 26,000 years. Learn more about the final stretch we are in, and Dec 2012 opportunities. Align with your Body Mind Soul purpose, which is to evolve All That Is, the ONE and only Power to set all free. Doreen Agostino is an Author, Self-realize Specialist, Change Messenger, Founder Self-realize resources Evolution | Liberation | Unity | Diamond Lights | World peace
