girls: Is she being friendly or interested?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
So I've noticed this girl this semester in uni and a month ago whom I have a few classes with, I went up and talked to her and got her number for our project. It all started with us texting about assignments and such, then the following week, we texted each other at 3am about our hw met up an hour before our 830am class. Since then, we sit beside each other and share food. We've had lunches and dinners before/after classes and hung out at her place and just talked, lots of laughs. Talked on the phone before as well. I found out she works full time and only off weekends, takes about 45 mins to get ready, so she has to wake up even earlier to meet up before class...She lives by herself, parents are elsewhere

However, she seems somewhat emotional or flaky at times/recently?

[2 weeks ago]... mentioned to study together fri, I said Ill call her, texted and called her on sat - no answer, replies later that night and says a relative just came from 4hrs out of state to visit, she apologizes through text...
[1 week ago]... i call on sat to see if she wants to study sunday, No answer. Didnt call back. (Major project due and she was the only one doing anything so its understandable.) She suffered a major sprain on her hand, and now works 1 handed....
[this weekend]... i mentioned to study together on sat, she agreed. I call her and text, no answer today. She replies later that night that her mom came back and she was busy all day. (We both have 3 final papers due in 2 days, and she is injured) She apologizes through text...

Shes agreed to movies after this coming week (after our 3 final papers). This one time in the morning she couldnt wake up in time for our early pre class hangout and insisted on buying me breakfast. I know she works full time and is stressed out. Shes more serious than me so I wouldnt really understand the pressure as much. Is she interested or just being friendly? Is the flaky behavior normal? Should I call her out on it? I think she is interested, and those reasons are legit, but I cant help but wonder or get annoyed by her not answering or letting me know...What do you think?

I know its long, my bad, but thanks for any help