Girls, does my friend like me?? Or is this just friendly/joking? 10 pts for


New member
Feb 5, 2011
best answer!! HELP!? So there's this girl whom I really really like and have known for 2 years now. We met at school and became fast friends. She invited me to her church which I go to all the time and was actually my sponsor in my baptism, and faith. She really helps me in that area and corrects me if I slip up. She also joked with our Pastor after my first day at her church that it was a "sign from God" when she saw me sitting in her seat when she got there...Anyways, she was asked by a friend of mine (and hers) how she met me and she told him not to tell me this but that she started talking to me cause she thought I was a cute boy and that once she got to know me, she said I have a great personality. He obviously told me this. I told her about this one girl one time who was definitely interested in me, and she kept asking me questions about her name or if I thought she was pretty...
And there's this other girl at church who likes me. I'm confused though cause the girl I like recommended I date her and I said "never" (cause...well, there aren't many guys who'd date her) and the girl I like said "well then you should try to dirty up and not look cute if you don't want her after you." And she also one time told me not to friend any random girls on facebook, and this was right before I found out that some of her friends thought I was "hot." Are these hints she likes me, or do you think they mean nothing??...She refers to me as her friend though, so idk...Also, I found out that this girl at church (who likes me) said it's obvious I like her which made her go into denial saying that it can't be true...But it's not like we hang out all the time or text everyday. She is very hard to get out of the house haha and I usually always initiate contact and sometimes she'll answer a text a day later. She doesn't really have too much of a social life, except hanging out with her sister and cousin....Oh, also, sometimes she'll say things like "you really know how to push my buttons" if i tease her a that bad? Or I was gonna put a rose on her car for Valentines Day last year after church, but she was sick, so when I told her this the next week, she was like "you shouldve got me another rose!"
She hasn't dated anyone since I've known her and never talks about other guys.