Girlfriend goes on vacation without you, then starts adding a bunch of guys


Active member
May 11, 2008
to Facebook.? I'll try to be brief, just looking for some advice on what to do. My girlfriend went on vacation with a few of her friends (girls) for 6 weeks, while she was away she kept adding guys that she was meeting to her Facebook . Before she left she was fairly openly chatting up guys when we would go out together etc claiming she was just being nice... She was on a huge I need to have as many fun experiences while I'm still in my 20's kick which was what drove her to take the vacation instead of landing a job with her new degree. She also was busted for shoplifting a few years back - did it because she wanted the clothes but didn't have money. have been together for 5 years... But I do have trust issues (been cheated on before in a fairly similar circumstance). She is back now and claims nothing happened with these guys, she was just adding them to keep in contact. There are a million details I could put in here but basically I just can't bring myself to believe that nothing happened and I don't want to waste my time with someone who would cheat on me. So based on the limited info above, should I just suck it up and believe her or cut my losses and move on, or some mixture of the 2? What would you do?