Girl keeps on saying "that's funny" all the time after I am expressing my humor. WTF?


New member
Mar 23, 2012
Girl keeps on saying "that's funny" all the time after I am expressing my humor. WTF?

This girl always laughs and says "That's funny" after I tell a joke (which occurs like 75% of the time). I don't know if she's saying that because she doesn't think its funny and she's just saying that to boost my morale or if she legitimately thinks its funny and its just a thing she does but it's quite annoying...... any other people that say that's funny after a punchline all the time?
My mom and I say that all the time. In all likely hood she thinks it's genuinely funny, and simply wants to tell you so. The reason she says it may be one of the following:

1. She thought it was funny, but not funny enough to actually earn a laugh, so she stated that it was funny instead of laughing. (This, of course, is only true in the times when she doesn't actually laugh when you tell the joke.)

2. She thought it was funny enough to earn a laugh, but didn't want to embarrass herself by laughing too much. So, instead, she laughed and simply told you that it was funny.

3. She's just that way. People are different; some burst out into laughter, others simply state that the joke was funny.

Anyway, I wouldn't get too worked up over it if I were you. If it really bugs you though, I'd suggest that you simply ask her why it is that she keeps saying, "That's funny" whenever you crack a joke. Usually that gets people self-conscious, and they'll stop.