
Picture this you wake up a bit drunk in the Gorbals (glasgow) you are surrounded by celtic and rangers fans all of whom ar wearing kilts and are true scotsmen and NATURAL gingers.YOU LOOK UP

Don't try to tell me you are not terrified.

regards koyo
Are you ok? How much councelling did you need?

True, a man made out of Whisky would be quite terrifying.
SOOOOO..After the shock wears of you remember you have a bottle of whiskey on you. You reach for it only to find a large damp patch atyour spine. Then you pray PLEASE GOD LET IT BE BLOOD.

Regards koyo

edit STILL in therapy.
Wow. I thought it would be the skirt thing I was picked up on first.
So let me get this right, scottish men are happy to wear skirts but a bit excitable about being called scotch?
You did see Braveheart? What is UNDER the skirt can stop a cavalry charge.

Scotsmen don't get angry at others. We are too busy fighting each other.

regards koyo
Thats about right, scotch is a drink. Its generally only used as a windup, ive been called worse anyway.

As for the skirt comment, you should see our ballgowns
Wow, that was scary. I only caught a glimpse of the first part of that paragraph, then had to go back and read the whole thing just to make sure I was wrong.
Yes there is a scene in Braveheart where the Scots lift their kilts and roar contempt at the enemy.
In fact the reason for doing this was to show their contempe for those who "covered themselves in armour" during battle.
If you haven't seen the film while not historically accurate (Wallace was MUCH more savage) it has some good battle scenes.

regards koyo

Are you not entertained? (sorry wrong movie) BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID
I see!

I'm not a big fan of 'Hollywood does history' type films. They're usually about as accurate as Carry On films, but even less funny.

As a scotsman, I never wear a kilt now. I always start tripping over something when I do.

The Bear.
Point of information

The Bear's kilt only hangs to below his knees while I wear a hakama that hangs to my ankles. Make of that what you will.

regards koyo
Aye BIG man but yer bum's oot the windy.

regards koyo

anyway we were not talking about LEGS.