
*thinking* hmmmm it's hot here today, and I'm stressed, but I think thats because I'm doing 3 peoples jobs this week

the sun effects me more than most people, and I get lethargic moreso than anything else when it's very hot (but that usually has included consuption of beers). and I sweat more then anyone in my club -they all seem to think I'm scarey when I'm sparring, so maybe they're too scared to tell me I'm an angry ginger?

I have very low blood pressure, coupled with my qigong practise probably balances out any hot headed gingerness in me though.
Don't laugh! you'll only make it worse!
and you wouldn't want to see us gingers when we get angry...

you wouldn't like it when we get angry....
My ex-ex had ginger hair, used to get a right cob on if he was in the sun.

However I forgave him it as he had THE nicest body you have ever seen.
yes but what about bloke gingers?

remeber that guy off the fast show?
my beard hair is more ginger then my head hair!,%20Chuck
I am dark but had natural red highlights in my hair until they went grey, and I have loads of freckles. Does this mean I am a covert ginge?