Gimme a break guys!! You complain about Obama, but you won't say no to the...


New member
Dec 5, 2008
...goodies...Just like those repubs...? ...who voted no on the stimulus package for the economy but will take the money anyway? Why not decline if you don't want to be responsible for it? The moment you agree to take a goodie is the moment you will be held accountable---so why do you people on this site complain so much about Obama? Obama has done more in the first six weeks of his presidency than any other president before him...and even though big spending is what he does right now---something got to be invested or we'll all go down the tube....without incomes, retirement checks, pensions, health care, or social security--so stop b!tching around and look at the fact that he won the election and that he is trying his best to get things going--or decline, don't take a dime of the money, don't take the health care, don't take any kind of tax breaks---because even God will hold you responsible for what your rulers do if you voted for them or if you take the benefits of what the winning ruling class offers. It's that simple...get over it: Obama won, I think that he will do ok even though he inherited the worst economy and the hugest debt ever---so instead of complaining, why don't you smart heads come up with better solutions? Explain how you would fix the problems? I tell you why: because you guys wouldn't be able to come up with a better solution--so please, su and move on.....any thoughts?
To clarify: the republicans voted no on Obama's huge spending bill---and with that they think they have done their duty. If they take the money for their state they will be just as responsible for whatever comes our way as if they had voted yes. There is no way that one can deny responsibility when participating in eating the cake--and at the same token can none of you truly complain about Obama if you are willing to take the benefits of his spendings--which is jobs, tax breaks, health care...whatever benefit there is. Are you willing to decline having such benefits because you didn't vote for Obama?
To clarify: the republicans voted no on Obama's huge spending bill---and with that they think they have done their duty. If they take the money for their state they will be just as responsible for whatever comes our way as if they had voted yes. There is no way that one can deny responsibility when participating in eating the cake--and at the same token can none of you truly complain about Obama if you are willing to take the benefits of his spendings--which is jobs, tax breaks, health care...whatever benefit there is. Are you willing to decline having such benefits because you didn't vote for Obama?
To clarify: the republicans voted no on Obama's huge spending bill---and with that they think they have done their duty. If they take the money for their state they will be just as responsible for whatever comes our way as if they had voted yes. There is no way that one can deny responsibility when participating in eating the cake--and at the same token can none of you truly complain about Obama if you are willing to take the benefits of his spendings--which is jobs, tax breaks, health care...whatever benefit there is. Are you willing to decline having such benefits because you didn't vote for Obama?
To clarify: the republicans voted no on Obama's huge spending bill---and with that they think they have done their duty. If they take the money for their state they will be just as responsible for whatever comes our way as if they had voted yes. There is no way that one can deny responsibility when participating in eating the cake--and at the same token can none of you truly complain about Obama if you are willing to take the benefits of his spendings--which is jobs, tax breaks, health care...whatever benefit there is. Are you willing to decline having such benefits because you didn't vote for Obama?
Are you aware that the republicans did indeed write a completely different stimulus bill? Probably not, it was hardly covered by the media, and it sure as hell wasn't even allowed up for discussion and debate. Heck, they didn't even allow the democrat version to be debated and discussed.

My point is, one of your arguments is that Republicans have offered no solutions. Just because you haven't heard of them doesn't make them not exist.

Also, some of the same things in the democrat version were in the republican version. That too shows that it is perfectly fine for them to continue to ask for the money.

While I am dissatisfied with both the republicans as well, I cannot state, without lying that they have offered nothing..
What goodies?

Barack Obama "stimulus" will cost my family about $15,000 in new taxes, and probably will cost me a job too. I did not speculate with real estate, so no bailout for me here either. In addition my 401k lost $85,000 since Jan 20th.

What goodies?
What on earth are you talking about? I'm a demcorat and I did NOT support either Obama or McCain bc they both are just corporate puppets.. that stimulus package is a joke, it has so many riders attached to it.. What jobs? Obama voted in favor of sending jobs overseas as senator? what tax breaks? we haven't seen anything yet?

Umm health care? HELLO! the campaign is over, Obama took back his position saying he can't afford it now... And it was Hillary that was for universal health care..

Sounds like you need to pay attention to your candidate's actions instead of words..
Yeah. Since the Repubs voted against the bill, 40% of which was made up of tax cuts.........they should give their tax cut back to the government!
Obama has just mortgaged the next two generations with such a stimulus, ah “pork” bill. When said and done it will equate to approximate $2 trillion now, yes it is up to $2 trillion with interest. He has zero business experience and the Republicans are correct in voting against it and taking the goodies. Why the hell not. This Country is on the verge of collapse –another economic depression, rising unemployment, huge debt, soon to be increasing interest rates, failing banks, and zero consumer confidence. Not of this pork spending goes into Americans pockets. It goes to government. You know how good they are at running a country and businesses. Rebate three years of taxes to individuals- that will get the economy growing. Impeach Obama now while there is still hope for our future. He is a clown.
I work for a living,so I won't be getting anything except an eventual Tax Hike.I already have Health Care Coverage,so I won't get anything except getting to pay more so I can cover someone elses Health Care. I pay my Mortgage,so I won't be getting anything,except higher taxes to pay some other losers Mortgage.I'm not the third Generation of my Family on Welfare,so I don't get an more Freebies payed for by the Taxpayer,I get the Tab.
