Gift for friend converting to Judaism?


Jun 13, 2008
Original suggested category- LGBT(???)
A friend who has helped me a great deal lately is converting to Conservative Judaism. I want to get her a gift that will show my support, and also my gratitude that she has been such a good friend to me. She already has several books, and has already been given some sort of Passover dish (sorry, I don't know if it's called anything specific). What's something that she's not likely to have already, but that she will find very useful?
It's called a Seder Plate. Think about a Menorah, they are gorgeous. I consider myself a Christian and I have two of them displayed in my home in honor of my Savior's heritage.
A good gift, if she does not yet have any, is a pair of candlesticks. Any two identical candlesticks would do- traditionally silver plated or silver candlesticks are used. These are essential to every jewish home- they are lit every Shabbos and on every festival- and giving them to her would not only show your support, but would be providing an item essential for her in the future.

Yep- I'm Orthodox, but Conservative and the other liberal movements make as much use of the candlesticks as Orthodox does
answer: gift card or gift card to

Others can add more links

Trust me - she doesn't have enough books. :) At the Judaism link she can get lots of Judaica items.

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Yeah, for some reason Yamster suggests LGBT section a lot!