Ghost Stories

I used to take a short cut to the pub through a wood which is supposed to be haunted by the ghosts of soldiers who died there during a battle in the Civil War. It was pitch black, so all I had to guide me was the sillouettes of the trees against the night sky. Very spooky! But I never saw any ghosts.
Back when I lived oop t'north I used to go out for some beers in the neighbouring village. At closing time you'd have to walk home down a long lane between two sets of farmer's fields. In my beer-addled state I used to get really paranoid about "beast of Bodmin" type big cats roaming the fields.

Then one night I got eaten by one and died.

OK, that last bit isn't true. I never saw one. But it is kinda spooky when you're walking down dark country lanes after a few too many pints!

Oh, this isn't a ghost story. I'll get my coat...
I never thought of it that way.

A friend of mine moved into a flat which used to be old people's homes. He claimed that a 'shadow' appeared from the corner and came right up to his face and then disappeared.

However, he did say he was half awake half asleep, and the fact that he knew of another incident (a friend of his claimed to see an old woman looking in on him from the doorway) may have no doubt played a part in it...
I swear there was a ghost thread.


Many stories.

My girlfriend first moved to Ramsgate which is a beach town. She moved in with an elderly couple. About a week after she moved in, she had a little girl visit her room. She sat there smiling at my girl and she just tried to get her to talk. "You visiting your Grandmama?" The girl giggled then ran up the stairs.

Realising that she was living on the top floor, she went to see the elderly couple about the girl.
The elderly couple was very suprised. Apparently no-one has seen that girl in the past 20years. The place has been haunted by a family since the entire time they have been living there which was at least 30 years. Usually they can be heard but not seen.
Freaked out at first she just decided to live with it.(as in the feeling, shes very defensive of the girl)

At first i thought she was talking bull but I then actually went to visit with her and met the elderly couple. Lovely folk.

Heres my recent experience.

I just moved in to a shared flat. Again i was by myself just moving stuff. Place was all lit up and everything. As I turned the key to open my room i felt and heard someone run up the stairs and run right past me into the other room. But the entire flat was empty save me.
Mum thinks it was possibly a rat but it was definatley something larger like a person running.

Anyhoo I'm moving a buddha statue into the flat soon.
You're right there is. Weird. I did a search first but nothing came up except ghost rider and some other stuff, I just did another search and there it is. Spooky...
Thread merge!

I have never seen a ghost, but I have had night terrors before. Worse then seeing a ghost, I think. At least you aren't paralized when you see a ghost.

Unicorns appear to be real, at least a few of them anyway.
My story
About 10 years ago (probably a few more) i was driving home around midnight with my best mate and his girlfreind in the car , our route took us past the local crem , as i drove up the road i thought i saw a shadow in the middle of the road which disapeared.
As we passed the gates we all had a look as my mate said he'd seen something strange there before , and what we all saw independantly was an old fasioned funeral director/cheif mourner with the top hat with black ribbons and the long coat (i can see his face now) The reason i know we saw him independantly is that we all reacted in a differant way at pretty much the same time my mate shuoted something about fornication in hades , his girlfreind screamed and i welded my foot to the floor and didn't let up until we were some distance away.
Afterwards we compared what we'd seen and we all described the same figure, i've been past a few times since and never seen anything again.
Link won't work.

I view ghosts as I view the Lockness Monster, Bigfoot etc... I can't say for sure they don't exist but I only give them a .00001 percent chance of existing.(Random figure pulled out of my rear)
Have you considered that what you saw that night, was in fact an old fasioned funeral director/chief mourner with the top hat with black ribbons and the long coat?
I used to share a room with my older sister and loved freaking her out because she's such a softy.

We were both in our beds (I was about 11) and I was cracking jokes about our grandmother who had recently died in terrible circumstances. Suddenly this gust of wind (exactly like a miniature whirlwind) just gusted around me despite the fact that there were no windows open and I froze for an instant before throwing the covers of my head. My sister felt it too and she was quietly crying the whole night. It was funny but so real and eerie, I won't forget it.
When I lived in Armidale i had a mate who lived in an old estate out of town. Big sandstone mansion with 3 floors and an observatory, servants quarters etc. He told us a few ghost stories but being an athiest I thought it just a joke and a story.

One morning after a big party we were all sitting around the table on the deck, eating breaky and had channel V on inside up nice and loud. During one of the songs a kid started to sing along. Noel was like 'I never heard that part before...' then went quiet and dead white. I looked to where he was staring and through the screen door were two children wearing victorian period cloths. Apperantly I went white too, as did Mark who was sitting on our side of the table. They then ran through the loungeroom past the first window but dissapeard before the second.

I have been a beliver ever since.

Other instances.

Out the front there is a well that has two small footprints and the inscription 'footprints in the sands of time'. During the 50's or 60's the oweners son fell down the well to his death. Trent's little bro complained of seeing him standing out side his window some nights with a sad look on his face.

In the observatory on the roof there are signs of a fire (painted over long ago but the wood is marked) from where one of the maids committed suicide by setting herself on fire in the late 1800's. Trent claims to have seen her come running down the stairs ablaze.

In the kennells out the back there is one cage which all his dogs refuse to go into. Apparently you can hear growling coming from it sometimes.
Years ago members of my extended family ran (and still run) a restaurant in Sunderland. (Yeah Anth I know, boooo hiss ) Anyway, my mum told me that there was an incident where a kitchen hand had his head taken off by the dumb waiter. Apparently, he put his head into the hatch to see where the lift was just as it crashed down on him...

Us Chinese being a superstitious lot, the owners placed 'spells' (maybe prayers), for want of a better word, in the form of red writing on yellow paper and placed them at the scene of the accident and at entrances/exits. I think it was to tell the spirit that he was not welcome and should move on. A little harsh considering what happened but there you go.

Anyway, the next day, every single one of the 'spells' were missing! Being superstitious not a single one of them who worked there would have dared removed them.

There was a room in the last house I rented where the cats would not enter and because they wouldn't enter I wouldn't enter... I never ever saw anything in there, not even flickering of the lights, but there was always a feeling of 'dread...'
a few years ago when my grandmother died, during the funeral it is chinese tradition to turn around and let the body climb out of the coffin. while all my family members were facing the other way, a little kid who lived a few doors away started shouting to his mum that the old lady is climbing out of the coffin. however we did not turn around. later when talking to the boy he said he didnt know why everyone was facing the other way as he didnt know the tradition.

humm... and when ever i go back home to singapore i stay at my grandmothers flat. this one time i went to the cinema with my brother for a late night show. during the movie my mum called me asking where are we and why we keep leaving the flat. i told my mum that we been in the cinema all night and she was surprised. i asked her what is wrong and she told me that when she was in her room, my father and her both saw the light outside her room turned on and someone moving about. she assumed it was us and didnt think too much of it. but later when she went to get a drink she noticed we wasnt there and then she called us. she said someone was moving around outside and she heard out bedroom door close.
LeonX you'll like this.

At a funeral my 4 cousins decided to play Chor Dai Dee (chinese poker). Since they were family they had to stay longer cos they were bored....shrine a good 5 feet away.

They shuffled the cards, dealt all of them out, when they loooked at the cards they were all in numerical order (from lowest to highest which was 345678910JQKA2) and in the same suit.

Never seen a ghost, nor do I believe in them. I do find this sort of thing interesting. Maybe they do exist, who knows.
The way I looked at it before I saw the kids, who cares if they exist or not, the stories are cool.
I do not believe in ghosts at all.

I am totally unsuperstitious.

And yet...

A friend of mine used to rent a house, I used to crash there after parties etc in our wilder years.

Some time after moving out he and I were reminiscing about the place and he, I and his girlfriend from that time had all had the feeling of there being someone else there watching us at one time or another. Not threatening, but disapproving; like an old lady tutting as you were laying in bed with your head swimming.

We had this feeling independantly and all described the same nuance to the feeling.

Still don't bellieve in ghosts, but do believe in the atmosphere of places affecting people in odd ways.
