Getting ubuntu to use the drivers i downloaded for my motherboard/ video


New member
Jun 6, 2013
card AND use new plugins EG java? ok, so i feel like im on the verge of getting this system in running condition for my friend to experience a game i like on steam, there's a lot here so hold on for me, we got steam installed, there has been a few updates for it, i belive the client is running, it downloaded TF2 in reasonable time, now, upon an attempt to tun it it gives an error that it requires atleast one of various types of GL_EXT_texture_compression, i belive i found that i can attain that through simply getting the correct drivers for my GPU, whick i belive i did, as well for the motherboard, and it seems that these changes are not taking affect in any way, the .zip files were downloaded, but are not being applied, and i cant figure out how to apply them, somwhere along the way i thought, il just use the nividia smart scan to verify for sure i have the right driver, and hope'd it would also apply them as well, and found i needed java to run it.... -.-" downloaded java, simple right? nope, same problem, got a .zip file added in the downloads folder and nothing from it, i started to look for spcifically applying java to continue, found a guide or two on how to enable it in Google chrome (because the ubuntu chromium i'm using is the EXACT equivalent) and in tools there was no "internet option's" path as i was told to use.... i believe all of my problem lies here, with one explanation on how to get ubuntu to apply a file iv downloaded, and possibly a separate explanation to enable my java download in chromium, which i believe a complete parallel to normal Google chrome, if you have any ideas i'm open to every suggestion, contact me here [email protected]