Getting a guy a pet fish for his birthday?


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Okay there's this guy that I really like and he's having his birthday party this Saturday. I want to get him something kind of funky and unique, so would a fish be a good gift? I was thinking of a cute little betta because they're low maintenance, but not boring. I would also be getting him the tank and the food..
It's a good idea, but make sure he likes fish. If he doesn't, then he's stuck with the responsibility of taking care of something he doesn't really want. But if he likes fish, then totally cool idea.
Make sure he wants a pet first though, because even though a betta may be low maintenance, it still needs to be fed, have it's watcher changed, filtered etc. A pet is a pretty big responsibility, even a fish.

Does he want a fish? If you're not sure, then get him something else. Otherwise, he will be stuck looking after a fish he doesn't want, and when he goes away on holidays he will have the annoyance of a fish to worry about.
Unless he's expressed wish for a pet I wouldn't. Caring for a pet requires dedication, and if he's not the pet kind of person you're just sending a little fish into a sad death.
Wow that's pretty cool gift. It's unique and I'd love it. That's honestly a perfect gift. I'd go for it.

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