Getting a ferret

I'm taking the fact that you've been paying so much attention to me that you have to read my name every time I post as a compliment. And that you link your fetish with my name.
I've had two.
they smell really bad, all the time.
I was rad and had a leash, and "walked it" and by walked it I mean it would chew the leash then run around and fuck with the garden.
steal my socks, and put them in random ass places.
and most of all they would steal my parents key's, and I would get in trouble for not knowing where they were.
my mice>your snake

seriously, a snake has got to be the WORST possible chills there, occasionally eat something, and the most interactive they ever get is slithering around your arm, and flicking their tounge.
some cats and ferrets do not may be hearing a lot of hissing from your cat.if you want exotic then pick up a 200 gallon fish tank and a few piranha there great to watch when you toss in a few chunks of meat into there tank.
take a look at the youtube video of piranha vs mouse.
I'd recommend a chinchilla for sure, the only downside is that they are a bit pricey, but they are great pets.

By the way, exotic pets are "exotic" for a reason. Either they are shitty as regular pets (ferrets) so no one wants them, or they are expensive so no one wants to buy them. Stick to the expensive ones.
As far as the food chain goes, snake > mouse. Either way, I haven't had a reptilian pet in years. But they sell mice at Petco for 10 cents, so that shit's awesome.
I love this thread. Get a Chinchilla.

My neighbor has a ferret. She walks it. It smells like utter ass, is abusive, and is quite the lil thief. That's why he lives in her closet.
i have a leopard gecko....its easy to take care of, does some cool things and doesn't really have any negatives that i can think of....get one of those
does anyone actually know why they stink?
they have quite a reputation, but what makes them smell more than any other rodent?