Get some sleep!


New member
Mar 7, 2008
One of my brothers sent this to me. Apparently he ran across it while doing research for his thesis (on sleep deprivation)... how many of us get "enough"?
(I'm pretty sure i don't... 5-6 hours is my norm..)
Bloomin Edison!!!

I always try and get 8 hours,if I don't I can really feel it next day. Even with my recent sleep "issues" I go to bed around 11pm and get up at 7

People's habits don't help either- tv in the bedroom and such,meaning you don't get time to wind down before trying to get to sleep at all.
I always fancy one of those "alarms" that wakes you up by a light getting brighter to replicate sunrise so that you come round more slowly and it feels more natural.

If I get less than 7 hours sleep I become some kind of she-hulk!
Used to stay awake from Wednesday/Thursday through to Sunday midday when I was younger (old raver). The drive back from Coventry on Sunday morning used to be a blast. I'd then sleep till Monday/Tuesday - happy days.
Get to sleep Pac!!!!!

I would be in a completely awful mood after that little sleep!
I tried Su, but Thursday is my bad day as far as sleep is concerned I have things to do during the daylight hours too
I've gotta say I think the article has got it back to front.

Rather than blaming the demands of modern living and the electric lightbulb, I think a lot of sleep problems have their root in the inactivity that fills much of people's day.

Too many people spend all day sitting down at work, then come home and slump in front of the TV. Then when you try to sleep, your body's "tiredness" clock is completely at odds with how you feel mentally.

Personally I sleep a lot better if I go for a brisk walk right before bed.
I try to get as much as possible otherwise I can't concentrate at school the next day. I'm one of those who has to sleep otherwise they can't function. I say I maybe get around 8 - 10 hours. Depends how tired I am really.
Hmm, I get about 1 or 2 hours, been like that for months and no significant problems, can't believe everything you read.
You get used to it, somethings force us to stay awake long periods, others keep us awake.
The more sleep I have the more tired and cranky I get. It's not like I wake up when I'm not tired, oh no, I'll sleep for as long as I'm left there

So yeah, I aim for 6 hours. The closer you get to 8 (or more) the worse I get.

Does anyone else ever feel like sleeping lots is a waste of time sometimes?
"I've got plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead"