German Shepherd owners out there?


New member
Sep 19, 2011
Don't you hate it when just because you have a german shepherd dog, people think its aggressive when its actually puppy playing? My 7 month old german shepherd was mouthing at a samoyed about his age, and the owner came up to me saying my dog was aggressive. It just makes me mad. I bet if people will say that the german shepherd was aggressive in a dog fight if a Chihuahua was provoking it.
Heck yes! My dog plays rough because well… That is what dogs do. They play rough. And my German Shepherd, Levi, is no exception.

So he was playing with a group of dogs, and all the owners at dog parks are way overprotective, I swear. Levi nips playfully at a dogs heels, and all these dogs are what are considered 'family dogs.' Labs, Golden Retrievers, and some other breeds. Well, mine is the only dog that is considered to be aggressive, and all the other dogs are playing rough to.

So this lady comes into the middle of the park, points at Levi, and yells: "He's the one! He's aggressive!" So everybody comes and pulls their dogs away from Levi. We leashed Levi, and my step-dad and that lady started… Well cussing each other out. And guess what? Her precious Lab came running back to play with our aggressive dog!

Yeah, stereotyping any dog is terrible. Oh, I just finished uploading a video I put together of my German Shepherd, Levi. He is 2 and a half years old, and he may or may not be a mix. He is like a mini German Shepherd, probably just poorly bred.

That is the video. Oh, and my evil, aggressive German Shepherd lives peacefully in a house with 4 cats. Vicious little beast, isn't he?