Genealogy of ST?


New member
Feb 15, 2008
I haven't seen one of these threads in a year, so its over due:

Post, to the best of your knowledge, your ancestors' origins (within the passed 500 years. Dont go saying 100% african primate)

I'll start:
Father's side:
Thankfully, my granddad did a ton of research dating over 300 years.
1/4 Scotch (grandmother)
1/8 German
7/64 Irish
1/64 Native American. Unknown eastern tribe.
some possibility (regretfully) of French traces in the Irish part, as my quadseptupplegreatgreat grandfather (or some shit) was Napoleon's bodyguard.

Mother's side:
poorly documented, my uncle gathered a rough estimate... But everyone on that side is now dead except for Mom :ugh: :
1/4 German (grandfather, based on his word. Now dead.)
1/8? Native American-Cherokee?
1/8? English
I'm directly related to a Irish politician who was convicted for treason (plotting to overthrow English royalty and parliament)
He later escaped prison and fled to America assuming the name 'Snowday' after the weather conditions on his escape. The name later evolved into "Snoddy". This would be my great great great great great grandfather I believe. (The guy who boinked my Native American grandmother on my father's side.)

...Top that.
I'm half Sicilian and a quarter English and Spanish, each. But I just consider my self North American for ease and because I clicked the wrong option in the poll