Gay men and women, would you rather watch/read a straight romance or a


Active member
May 13, 2008
gay romance about the opposite sex? Gay men and women, would you rather watch/read a straight romance show/movie/book or a gay romance show/movie/book about the opposite sex? Assuming that they are both of good quality.
I would take any queer romance over a straight one

@Graciemay- I did the exact same thing. In junior high and a bit in high school, I was a huge Harry Potter fan and must have read over 50 and maybe even as many as 100 remus/sirius fanfics and got a lot of my friends into the pairing too, haha. I read one again the other day after lamenting about what seems like the lack of really good lesbian romances and..still liked itXD My friend jokes that I'm a 'bad lesbian' because I like m/m romances which is kind of where this question is coming from actually, lol. I knew I couldn't be the only one!