Game Review: Gran Turismo 6


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
For better and also for worse, Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo series has always catered to purists. In its first few entries, Microsoft's competitor to the PlayStation driving simulator was easily dismissible as just another arcade racer that wrote checks the game really couldn't cash. Throughout the years, that paradigm shifted, and even GT diehards like us slowly came to the realization that Gran Turismo had some very legitimate competition to contend with. Despite this, Polyphony has refused to waiver from their vision, continuing to focus on their own formula for the ideal driving game. Designed for the PS3 - and not Sony's recently released PS4 - Gran Turismo 6 has the unfortunate task of directly competing with Microsoft's newest Forza installment, Forza Motorsport 5, which debuted on the new Xbox One console last month. For that reason, comparisons between the two are unfair, but also inevitable.