Future...Have you ever had yours told and it came true? Fortune tellers?


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Just curious, I was wondering if fortune tellers were real and some people are acually "connected" and can predict someones future. Has this happened to you? I am aware that some fortune tellers say that the end of the world will be in 2012 and I am not scared but wondering if this whole mythology thing is true--just wanting to here the truth and get some answers.
No, it's not true. Fortune tellers use a technique that is essentially made up of generalizations that every single human being goes through in their life.

For example: I predict you will have financial success in your future.

The reality from this: say you become a teacher (not a very high-paying job). You would think that you are not successful, correct? But then say five years down the line you hit a big jackpot at the casino for $5,000. The fortune teller can simply claim that is what they "foresaw".

Another example: I predict you have a wonderful romance in your future.

The reality: of course you will. Or, at least, you are likely to have one. Everyone falls in love at some point or another (I know, not everyone, but it's few and far between. This is based on generalizations, after all). Plus, there is the subconscious thing working here. Say a fortune teller says this to you, then two days later you're at a bar and your eyes lock with those of someone else. Your heart flutters, your head spins, and somewhere in your subconscious you're thinking "the fortune teller might be right!" which then affects your actions from then on, and may lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I have never been to a fortune teller who hasn't tried baiting me to give her specifics she can use to "predict my future" or just fed me a load of bull that is so general it could be for anyone.

as for 2012... the whole mythology is based on the Maya calendar, and that's a whole load of crock itself. Even the Modern Mayans do not believe the calendar ending has anything to do with the world ending. In fact... ancient Maya texts have been translated to be the date 4772.

so even ancient mayans who created the calendar in question, believed in a date passed 2012.

not to mention, they believed the world ended a few times before, then was born again stronger, so they weren't interested in end of time prophecies. they were interested in farming and agriculture, war and spirituality. (their gods)

So any "fortune teller" who claims the world will end in 2012 is just trying to make $$$$$ off of the Y2K like hysteria.

btw... Nostradamus didn't predict 2012 either... he predicted an end date of 3797 in letters to his son. And these weren't end of time prophecies, this was the date he could not see passed which could mean anything.

beware the future tellers... especially those working for profit.
Of course not - so called fortune tellers are liars and charlatans.
The only thing to which they are connected is a crock of shit!
Some fortune tellers are real, Most are fake, but some are real. The farthest date I can see in the future is September 27 2854. will that be the end, I don't know, All I saw was someone reading a paper with that date on it.
Some people can tell or predict the future while others are just full of **it. There is no sure way to know if the person is real or not.

Choices that people make are what drives the future in both small and large ways.

Do I believe in them (Fortune Tellers)? Yes, but with caution since just knowing the future can cause issues.

My experience? In the very early 90's I was told that I would have a son ( I was newly pregnant & not obvious & had told no one), that when the father would finally be ready to be a father & want me, I would not want him (we were having issues & I discovered he cheated multiple times & then he married someone & now 18 yrs later he wants a relationship with us both & I have moved on/grew up/got married/had another child).
I was also told that all my dreams would come true when the time was right. That is in itself a slow process but has for the most part happened ( I dreamed of Teaching & became a Teacher for 13 yrs: I dreamed of working for Disney & did for awhile; I dreamed of being on the big screen & although it's as an 'extra' it still happened; wanted kids but told I would never get pregnant & now have a son & daughter; wanted to be a Writer/Author & now I'm working on a manuscript that goes to the Publisher in late Jan 2011).

Depending on your dreams, they may or may not happen since it takes effort ( a horse can be led to water but you can't force it to drink).
As to the question 'Will the world end in 2012?', well I don't know.
I believe that it will happen one day, but I don't know the EXACT date and don't really want to know since nothing I can/will/want to do is going to change it from happening and there is no sense in stressing out over it (most are freaking when it does no good since it's going to happen regardless).

I play the hand that I'm given. I'm thankful (for the most part) of what I have. Grateful for the experiences I get to have (again for the most part). Keep dreaming and leave it at that. I've got enough stress and drama in my life without adding 'end of the world' to it.
I like to think some are real I went and saw a tarot reader and at the time I was about 8 weeks pregnant and I wasn't showing or didn't tell her I was pregnant and the first card I picked was of a child then again I picked the same card and I already have a child so that was pretty weird and see said I would have three children two boys and a girl. I now have two boys and she said that they would be completly opposite in personailt and my two boys are my oldest was a good baby v calm now my youngest is v noisy completly oppisite so maybe she was right
Any good stage magician can tell you a few things that might very well come true.
As for fortune tellers, despite the huge rewards offered, and many people searching for many years, not one has ever been found who is genuine (there is some evidence that Old Mother Shipton made some accurate predictions)