Future American President is Satan


Mar 20, 2008

Personally, I find it a little worrying that the "man" soon to be the king of the USA is probably the unholy mephistophilean lord of the underworld, Satan.

How do American MAPers feel about being governed by Beelzebub? Do you think that he'll be as bad as Bush?

I know many people in the USA are ready for a change. Do you feel that becoming the demonic wizards of the dark lord's coven is the way to help the States out of the current economic slump?
And here I was sure our current Vice President was the Prince of Darkness.

I suppose at this point, it would be logical to expect at least four years of some very unhappy, right wing Christian whack jobs with some crazy conspiracy-ideas. Their guy was in for eight years of royally screwing things up and they think that this guy is the anti-Christ and a socialist, Muslim who pals around with terrorists. One thing for sure is it won't be dull.

If you translate 'Black President' into Spanish, integrate it and then convert the spanish into Esperanto and back into English it means 'Dark Lord', so maybe this guy isn't that crazy after all!
The comments of some peaple in this topic realy make me sick;
Hitler would have been proud of you,and that says it all.
You may be onto something; France and Italy grow a lot of grapes and drink a lot of wine, right? But they both have a history of getting their butts kicked by people who drink beer... coincidence?

Grapes make you fruity, grow more hops if you want your country to man up.

I'll vote Satan for President, heck, given the current situation I'd vote for Ned the neighborhood wino.
Firstly, where the hell do you find that info?!
And I once heard that if you take the words flaming cheese, translate it in to french, then translate the french to swahili, translate it in to urdu, and then put it back in to english you get an unintelligible mess; something like 'purple monkey dishwasher'

Romanes Eunt Domus!
I'm going to vote for the guy who promises me the biggest reduction in mature cheddar cheese.
or a slight discount on Brie.
Not even the devil is as evil as the inbread gun totting scum that looks down on the world from the white house just now.
I waited untill it was "al over",to react,but you clearly had no idea what i was trying to say.
Villification,making a divel of someone is very dangerus,and if i see the comment of "old palden,"i realy asc myself:are whe in the 21th century,or in the 19th ???
Hitler did exactly thesame with the jews,and whe all know where it got them,do whe ,or not ????
That's why i made the link,but aparently,you diden't see it !!!
I was hoping,that as CIVILISED PEAPLE,whe where fare beyond that now,but some peaple are,aparently ,still stuck in the past,blind and deaf beyond believe.
The fact that some peaple compare a presidential candidate whit Satan,for the simple reason that thy don't agree with his political ideas is extremely distructive for the democratic foundations of a country like the USA !!!
And,by the way,for ANY democratic country.
This is POISON for the minds of "less stable peaple",and potentialy deadly for a new president.
So,perhaps,you do understand me better now.
I just hope that idea's like these don't lead to "a very short therm presidentsy !!!
Not at all !!!
I live in Belgium,Europe,and Dutch is my language,but that dusen't stop me from speaking out,is that a problem ?????