funny names

i lol'd at this.

can't think of any legit funny names, just the stuff that's been listed. also, bart simpson seems to know these kinds of things, ask him.
Chase is deffinatly a guy name.. nvr met/hurd of a chase girl:xeyed: ..... Tristan is just random and have probubly heard that name once in my life..

wierdest i know - Dariosh (dari-osh) - people call him dari-doushe :dodgy: kinda interesting name
This one's stupid, but in middleschool We called this fat goalie on the soccer team Retardo instead of Ricardo.


Beng Meh?
Or he could be referring to posters on here as in xsv chase vsx and Mo0op whose uses text is Mo0op=tristan:idea:
Chase is hardly manly

and no, I'm not referencing any ST posters. some guy called into my favorite show and was like war guys with names like Luthor and Jack kicking guys ass with names like Tristan and Chase
i knew an asian kid who was seriously 4 feet tall, had glasses, and talked with a lisp. he was a genius though.

his name was Lamang Tang