Funniest Weapon

How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. Now you, come at me with this banana. Catch! Now, it's quite simple to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. First of all you force him to drop the banana; then, second, you eat the banana, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him 'elpless.
(Monty python)
that doesnt count, because john cleese ends up pulling a revolver and dropping the guy i like when he tells the guy to come at him with berries and he sicks a tiger on him.
"What about a pointed stick?" "A pointed stick?!?" LOL

a wireless mouse? Why not one with a cord then you can swing it around like Gogo. That's not a funny weapon you could get a serious bruise from that!

Maybe the funniest weapon I ever saw was when Chris Farley used 2 large fish like escrima sticks.
how about sneaking into your opponents house late at night and putting a fine layer of pudding on the bottom of their shoes. they'll be falling on their face all day!
I've actually tickled, more than once, while bjj sparring. I can't help it, it's just so effective for making some space when there's no apparent way out of a hold...
But as to the funniest weapon actually used, I'm going to have to trot out that Penn & Teller story again. The one where Penn Jillette, when accosted by an angry trucker, poured his milkshake over himself while flashing a peace sign. The bemused antagonist left him alone, thus making it a 100% effective defensive weapon.
An elastic band.....

See the reaction of most people when you stretch it back to fire.....

Got a big mutha of a rubber ( ) on my desk right now.
I have seen many strange things used as weapons but the strangest one I have used myself would have to be a beach towel.

Once when I was in high school three guys tried to jump me in the locker room for something stupid that had happened at practice. There was one on each side and one in front of me. I popped the one to my right in the eyes the one to my left in the nuts and then wrapped it around the neck of the guy in front of me and proceeded to pull him so that he ran headfirst into the lockers behind me where I kicked him in the back. I was so suprised that I just stopped right then. I didn't know anyone else was in there until I heard someone say "D@#&". I then proceeded to swing the towel around like nunchukas and let out a loud Waaappoowwwww. Then one of the three started to get up and I screamed like Homer Simpson and ran.

The only reason I posted this was because no one has ever believed me when I tell this story so I don't expect anyone here to either.