Funniest blonde joke?


New member
Feb 16, 2009
I'll pick funniest as best answer, tell me any "blonde" joke out there. Here's one

"The blonde girl was tired of being called "dumb" all the time, so she decides to dye her hair brown. Now that she's a brunette she decides that she wants to drive doqn the country, she spots a farmer with a flock of sheep, and says to the farmer "Awww what adorable sheep! Hey lets make a deal, If I can guess how many sheep you have with you right now, I get to take one home with me". The farmer being a bit of a gambler agrees to the bet. The blonde shouts out "157!". The farmer is shocked to see that she guessed the correct amount of sheep. The blonde then, picks up the cutest one she can find, and brings it to her car.
As she is about to drive off, the farmer stops her and says "Hey.... If I can guess your real hair colour can I have my dog back?"