fuck afterprom

As much as you guys would like to make that case, I will strongly assure you there aren't any parties. I go to a very small school. There were only 120 kids at our prom, and I am in the "popular" group of friends. I couldn't throw a party because my mom wouldn't allow it, and that was the story for most of my other friends...so we were left party-less. I'm sure a lot of you are either shocked by this or don't believe me at all, but not all high schools are like the ones you know of. It sucks.
Then your whole school must fail at highschool/life
there are plenty of other ways to throw a party thats not at a house.
Where do you live, in the city? I like like 30 minutes East of Pittsburgh.

I didnt go to prom but there were plenty of parties after.
no if he were mormon he would be having crazy, unprotected sex with multiple women at the same time.

our school has an afterprom too to keep kids from drinking and partying. most kids just say fuck that and go somewhere else instead. I dunno what i really want to do tonight. I already got real fucked up last night and I dunno if i want to do it again tonight.. I guess ill see what my group wants to do.

...actually to tell you the truth im not that hyped up for prom at all. in fact, its tonight and i couldn't really care less

edit: where do you live in pittsburgh? where do you go to school?
I'm smack in the middle of the city. Public city schools FTL, we are in the ghetto...

Langley High School. But next year I'll be at Duquesne University, so I'm looking forward to a much needed change of pace
oh thats cool. I go to North Allegheny, our prom is tonight too. Im going to Pitt next year.