fuc* buddy is joking about kids? need opinions from guys? thanks?


New member
May 25, 2011
so I have had the same sex buddy for about a year now.. we have sex prolly like once a week or so. and lately about a month or so ago he has been joking around about me being pregnant and the future. He says stuff like "I hope my son looks like me and not you" (as a joke obviously). and stuff like "My parents are gonna take care of the kids and not your parents when we're both at work.." (another joke obviously). and he jokes around about how the kids will love him more than me (another joke). I don't get why he jokes around about these things? and he also told me at what age he wants to have kids by and things like that. I guess I'm just a bit confused and don't know what to think of this.. help! thank you for all the serious answers :)
sounds like your F* bud is getting emotionally attached. the same thing happened to me but reverse the gender. fortunately, as a female you have the final say of having a baby, its your body. maybe you should remind your partner the kind of relationship you are having, just a sexual relationship. hope it works for you because i tried it and failed. so i did the only mature thing i could think of at the moment... i bailed. do you know how hard it is to intentionally let go of puss* for a guy is? right thing to do though, why would one string along another person only to crush their heart later on.