Fred Phelps and Westborough Church? Yay or Nay?


May 11, 2008
Ok so I asked this before, but I could really use more responses please. I wrote an essay on this topic, well now my teacher would like to see me take it further, so complete honesty is appreciated. What are you honest thoughts, opinions, feelings on Fred Phelps, Westborough Church of Topeka, his followers, the image he has given his church and Christianity or relgion in gerneral? Also if you've been following in the news, what would be your thoughts on the lawsuit pending against the church, involving his protests at an American solidiers funeral, what do you believe the outcome should and will be? Please, this is an important paper I am writing, so honesty is key, I want to hear all points of views, and all thoughts, whether they be based on facts, or feelings on the subject. And please if you don't know who he is or what I'm talking about, no need to answer. Thank you so much, I'm counting on you guys!