FREAKING out about knee menisucs surgery!?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
m having knee surgery for my meniscus on the 22nd (thursday) And i'm really worried about it.
Will i be able to see my surgon before the operation. I know him and he's been seeing me in his office for awhile now. Last doctors appointment i had with him he explained to me what he was doing. So i don't know if i'm going to get to see him.

I have kinda of a cold now, and i'm not allowed to take medcine,but i have been taking cough drops which are helping, but is that going to effect the surgery?
Will i see my parent's when I wake up? or is that later on that they let them comme in. (i'm 16)
Also, will i be asleep when i go into the operating room? Or do they wait till im in the OR before putting me to sleep?
Someone tell me everything ):