For life long depression, anxiety, loneliness, would yoga, reiki, or thai chi, be...

Depression will only be 'life long' if you allow it to be. By being a little more positive and by working with your Doctor and, yes, a therapist/counsellor, you can fight against it and win the fight in the end. It may be a struggle, but the alternative is exactly what you predict - Depression for life! Yoga and similar activities will help you to take your mind off things. Meditation is another healthy option. But counselling, medication and self-determination/will are the best ways to free yourself from this illness.
Actually according to me when we start using yoga the concept of depression ,loneliness in our mind would change.

in yoga all the asanams are to control our breathing capacity and to regulate the flow of blood to brain in a better way..

actual explanation cannot be explained start using it will surely change your attitude towards all these...