For guys: turn offzzz in girls

Most of these

Plus loud and talks for sake of it.

Oh and laughing for the sake of it too, WTF is that about

(Oh and mate, love the fat comment, although fat is subjective, do you mean clinically obese or a bit of a belly?)
Turn offs

1) Fake tan
2) Bleached blonde hair
3) Fake tan
4) Tanning salon tan
5) Fake tan
6) Wearing of tacky gold jewellery
7) ....

You know where this is going :p:
i've actually experienced that(she was hairy all over).. but it was too late once we got to the bedroom lol

Hairy Body
constant inane chatter
Hot Cold treatment
Big Love handles
Not having blonde hair.
Having tits smaller than DD.
Weighing more than 7 stone.
Being shorter than 5'9".
Not having a constant tan.
Turns offs Physically:

- Fake tan (especially when not applied properly)

- Ugly face (pretty face is a must)

- Dirty/chipped finger nails

- Big feet

- Overweight

- Small bum (I can sacrifice a small chest as long as she has a nice bum)

- Moles

- Bad teeth

- Smells

- Doesn't know how to dress

- Smokes (I could date a just turns me off slightly)

- Tries to look like everyone else

Personality wise:

- Bad attitude (rude to other people)

- No substance (Only cares about clubbing and shopping)

- Loud (not interested at a sweetheart and not a man)

- Any form of masculinity

- Broken home (Dont mind if you're from a broken home but dont carry the baggage and have Daddy issues)

- Talks about ex-boyfriend (cya)

- Doesnt know how to laugh at herself or have fun in general

- No passions or any ambition

- Lack of empathy

- Tries to play games (I've been thanks)

- Has trust issues

- Aggressive (unless its in bed...cant stand girls that try to get verbally aggressive about things)

- Isn't unique in any way

- Lack of intelligence

- Clingyness (You're a PART of my life...not my WHOLE life).

Although it sounds demanding...its really not. I just want to enjoy life and dont have time for any BS. Life is too short.
This was cause outrage because I know many girls can't handle the truth.

Fat or ugly ones are a big no no, they are fat/ugly if:

1) they have a raised bmi
2) a waist more than 30 inches
3) a non-flat stomach
4) bingo wings
5) small tits
6) large thighs