For Christians: I realize premarital sex was wrong but am already cohabitating?


New member
May 12, 2013
This question is aimed at Christians who affirm my belief that premarital sex is wrong. I have recently rediscovered my faith after several years of bad choices.

I have been cohabitating with a man for about a year, a decision that I made before realizing that it was a huge mistake.

For financial and emotional reasons, it would be extremely (I mean *extremely*) difficult to leave him. I lost my virginity to him and feel that my soul is tied to him, a bond that I'm not apt to want to break since I know he's a good man and that it might work someday.

I am estranged from my family, have no close friends, and am underemployed in minimum wage jobs. Thus I also need him for protection (suck it, feminists; I live in the real world, full of real dangers) and financial support. I also have a mental disability so my options for becoming independent are limited.

I understand that with God all things are possible, but would leaving him really be only righteous choice in God's eyes?

He is a good man who believes in God but not that premarital sex is wrong and as such, will not agree to marriage.

My question is, should I leave him so that I may stop cohabitating and thus not be guilty?

Or is it okay to pray to God and ask Him to bless my relationship with this good man whom I already love as a husband, in the hopes that one day, it will become a marriage?

I am terrified this man may one day leave me since he's not committed to me in marriage, and I know God's prohibition of premarital sex was partially intended to protect me from living with this constant fear!