For all the lonely men


Mar 23, 2008
...very friendly, and she runs on batteries.

The article says it all.
They finally came up with competition for the Girlfriend Lap Pillow, I see.
We drop the A-Bomb on them back in WWII and they give us a Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Sony, Asahi, Ichiban Soup, Saki, Sushi, Teriyaki, and now a robotic girlfriend......................if that ain't turning a negative into a positive, I don't know what is
LOL. I saw this on the news a few days ago. The best part is.. If she runs her mouth too much you can just remove the batteries! Just kidding... Ladies, do not beat me up. =)
When you see it, you'll want one too. Check this out. I'm gonna show this to my girlfriend, I reckon she'll buy one for me straight away. It'll free up hours of her time.
Now...there's lonely....and then there's LONELY....and then there's buying a 15 inch tall robot to talk to.
Personally I can't imagine myself EVER being that lonely.
I've got a better idea for the lonely men - buy a dog. It will give you more affection, and you might even be able to use it to land a girl. Lord knows it's worked for me on a couple of occasions.
I was sitting here thinking about what kind of loser would buy a robot girlfriend? How desperate for companionship do you have to be? Then it hit me: the kind of loser that would buy that robot is probably the same kind of loser who actually sat here and read all the posts in this thread. I'm turning off my computer and going out now. Quickly.
I dont think anyone wants the robot as a girlfriend

I want one because its cool, not because I want to take it out to a romantic dinner, lol
*raises hand* guilty!! I was thinking of playing dress up with her. And glue Sailor Venus's face on it. Considering the size of the robot. I think the face of Sailor Mini Moon would be more ideal. How much does it cost? Order me 3!