Fencing masks take early lead in coolest uniform race


Jun 17, 2007

If you tuned in to fencing early Saturday morning -- and you should, because it's awesome -- you caught a glimpse of the early leader in best uniforms. As modeled by American Nicole Ross, the already menacing fencing masks took on a layer of patriotism with the addition of the American flag*. The whole goal of the Olympics is to get your flag raised. To get closer to the goal, it's all up in your opponent's face while you're waving a sword at them.​

[ Photos: Olympic fencing action ]

* The British team also has their flag on their masks, but whatever. U-S-A! U-S-A!

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Hi dear all places where have chances to big crowed these place covered by wire fencing and timber fencing and many other fencing which stop the public outside the stage and prevent performers from public violence and violence activities fencing specially make those place like Zoo Historical places wild places and around the harmful chemical industries which discharge dangerous chemicals which harmful for public's

fencing gold coast
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