female passiveness

lily i wish you would quit fantasising about me

carys- your cut off

H- don't listen to them, we will always have the park
I think they lack the confidence. Too frigid. We always have to go chasing them down. Which doesn't happen with me
LOL! I think that'd get me arrested!

I disagree, there's a MASSIVE difference between self confidence and aggression. 'Not coming to talk to you and not articulating' is way past 'non-aggressive' and out the other side! Being confident with who you are and where you are and who you do or dont want to talk to does not by any means make you aggressive. An aggressive pulling technique (clubbing and hair dragging aside ) comes across, to me anyway, as pushy and frankly desperate, especially at the end of the night. Give me someone who's friendly and hanging out with their mates rather than someone who's obviously looking for hole any day!
Chicks don't approach guys (on average) becuase they don't need to. Evolution of physical characteristics and behaviours relies on them being an advantage to the organism - particularly in terms of propagating the gene (or characteristic) that governs that behaviour. Girls lose out on nothing by putting little effort into the mating game, because men are willing to put in so much effort. Therefore, the girls get to conserve resources (they don't need to waste time and energy persuing one man at the expense of other possible mates) while they simply wait for the best candidate to present himself.

There has been a gathering of the clans. Aside from the usual exchange of trade goods and gossip, I mean news, the men have been displaying their prowess in contests with empty hand and foot, and various weapons.

I can see the beautiful Asian princess decked in her beautiful silken robes hiding all her useful weapons, (short swords and knives, short staffs, fans) flanked by all her ladies in waiting, with all their useful hidden weapons. And there, kneeling before her, are a bunch of talented ninja sorts, arrayed, sweating, breathing heavily with exertion, awaiting her pleasure. Her war lord daddy stands nearby, evidently serene, but watching intently, making sure the guys all act properly respectful of his deadly daughter, for her sake, and theirs.

Coy, she hides her face behind her fan, with feathers on the end hiding poisoned knives. She whispers to various attendants, through them sending messages to certain men inviting them to meet with her later, privately, to get to know each other better. After this display of manly effectiveness, she will have many weeks of getting to know each of these contenders for her affections before the losers scatter themselves back to their home provinces.
A lot of girls don't approach guys, even if they're interested in them, because they worry about being rejected. It can be very demoralising for a woman to make the first move, and then be turned down.
I'm with Bangpen Fugo on this one. Just hang out, get to know lots of people, make friends (guy and gal) that are good FRIENDS first.

One of the very useful pieces of advice I got from my parents was to marry your best friend.
I know Gman, sad how people become so bitter...

Shaken or stired i dont mind...but i enjoy a good stiff one to get me going....
sicko. how dare you? dont you dare.

G - shall i bring the gas stove, ill be cooking all night