Fellow Christians- Have you wondered- Christ did hard tasks by saying it and easy...


Apr 3, 2008
...tasks by working? When our Lord resurrected Lazarus He called Lazarus
When our Lord healed the blind man He spit on the mud and put that wet mud in their eyes.

Why did Jesus do hard things by just Saying His Word?
Raising the dead is harder than healing a blind
I'm not sure it's possible to gauge the relative difficulty of the two tasks, since they're equally impossible for me. I take it healing the blind is easy for you?

Jesus in fact pointed out that sometimes people misjudge what's harder. When confronted with a paralyzed man, he first told him, "Your sins are forgiven." After someone challenged his ability to do that, he pointed out it was easier than telling the man to get up and walk (which he then did, also).
Never thought about it. Just seemed He did what He needed to do and did it in the manner that gave the most glory to God at the time.