Favorite (game) apps on iPhone 5 or iPod or iPad?


New member
Feb 17, 2013
I have an iPhone 5 and I want to know what apps I should get mostly game apps. but any are fine
just put your favorite recommendations below
also tell me if you know if they are free or not
I don't know if I even have a gift card to use on iTunes or app store and don't feel like paying be credit right now
Ever since they made most apps for the latest brand ipods I lost interest in apple now.
Minecraft pocket edition

It costs $6.99
But there's a free (lite) version of it. It lacks some components that the full version has (you can't save your world and there are only a 16 blocks, full version has 36)
Angry birds used to be an all time favorite game. It's so addicting. but you know, you could always go to the free section of the games and just pick out what you want. it's what i do:) oh and temple run seems to be an okay game too. i like it so far:)
pixel people
random heroes
hot springs story
cafe nipponica
pocket academy
(^ all made by kairosoft) http://kairopark.jp/iphone/en/