Fashion+crush+deoderant for puddles in the armpits for a 14 yr old girl????(A...


New member
Feb 10, 2009
...multy question, question!)? k i have horrible fashion and i need to find out how to dress up a regular outfit or how to make one or where to buy an EXTREMELY CHEAP (five dollar or less 4 a shirt)(if possible) and so on! ALso, no uggs or hollister e.t.c. and it has to be modest. My parents are totally against that stuff. Now i just got secret clinical protection cause i get some serious wettness under my pits like its REALLy BaD. Does it really work or should i just take it back b4 i even open it and get a different kind that works. What is the best deoderant for puddles anyway? ALso, I have a mega crush and I seriously get to see him once a month if I am lucky. It really stinks and I think he likes me but the thing is is that I can't date till i am 16 (I will hang out with him as a guy friend ^_^) and once I see him again I want to talk to him but my imature siblings allways are like you like Simon you like Simon! and I don't know what to do. Also about what looks good on me, I have no idea, so i am 5'4 tall skinny(Mucular) annoyingly long legs brown hair layered from chin to shoulders, do you know what would look good on me???
outfit- thrift stores. some have cool stuff, some dont.
deodorant-- wuldnt know cus i am a dude, but i use degree and it works
crush- go out with him, so many parents apply the lame 16 rule, screw it
Five dollars or less for a shirt?... umm. Well you could try used clothing stores like Value Village, sometimes they have really cute stuff.

Other good stores (but arent cheap) Garage, AE, Wet Seal, Aeropostale, Stitches... wear t shirts, tank tops, zip hoodies, cute printed scarves, etc

Skinny girls with long legs look great in skirts, and well fitting jeans.

As for sweating I dont know... I have that problem too. Secret clinical didnt work for me but maybe it will for you. Just make sure you follow the instructions.

And as for the guy... I relly dont know.
i think secret is ok, but hte best things to use are "antiperspirants". i use certaindry i think its called? for more info, message me. and you should go to forever 21. they ahve really cure stuff thats is CHEAP!/
you could try Rue 21 & forever 21 for clothes.

and the deo worked for my mom, so maybe it will work for you, but all ppl are different..

and the guy.. it sounds good :) just don't get caught! :D
for the clothes, try forever 21! they have a lot of cheap and high fashionable clothes. you may also want to try wet seal!

for the deodorant, i have the exact same problem PUDDLES! well i have experimented with different deodorants, and the best one i ever got was certain dri (the stick not the liquid). its the pm kind i think and you use it at night and it lasts for 72 hours! but i still put on deo in the morning too just to be safe. IT WORKS SOO WELL and its cheap too :)

for the crush, instead of seeing him once a month, try getting his number. you guys can text and hopefully hang outside of school (im guessing thats where you see him?). TRUST ME. haha and to try and tell if he likes you or is at least interested, when you two are together casually ask to see his phone. if he asks why just be like i want to look at your pics. haha and when you have it put your number in and put it at the top of his contacts. if he is interested he will text you back!

and for what looks good on you, i am pretty much the exact same size and body shape. i usually wear jeans, sweats, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, sweater, and jackets in the winter. in the summer i wear shorts, skirts, camis, tube tops, short sleeve shirts, strapless, dresses. i would say because you have brown hair, the colors that would look good on you are yellow and a mint green :) those colors look AMAZING with brunettes!!

I hope i helped :)
Fashion: go shooping @ target, marshalls, old navy, stores like that.
Crush: just dont do anything stupid to make him think ur weird
ps dont tell him about ur sweaty pit problem!
Deo: use certain dri, works better for that kinda stuff :)