Fan builds Yankee Stadium replica using 75,000 matchsticks


Jun 17, 2007
For 86-year-old Bill "Brother Beans" Becker, it was three years and $300 well spent.

In his own words, that's how long it took the life long Yankees fan from Toms River, N.J. to create a Yankee Stadium replica using only matchsticks, and that's how much it cost him to burn through — literally — all 75,000 matches that were required to complete his unique, extensive and completely awesome project.

When broken down, that's roughly 70 matches a day that Brother Beans (his nickname may be my favorite part of the story) burned. He then scrapped off the charred tips before shaping them into perfect position and setting them in place. Tedious work for most of us, but not Becker. In fact, according to Becker, it's not the first such project he's undertaken. A number of years ago he also created a Lambeau Field replica, so he obviously enjoys the work it requires and the personal satisfaction it creates.

Speaking of satisfaction, the New York Yankees themselves were very impressed by his efforts once they learned of the creation and even put the replica on display at the new Yankee Stadium before their game against the Seattle Mariners on Tuesday.

You can learn more about that cool event and how Brother Beans came up with the idea to create a matchstick Yankee Stadium in the video below.

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Honestly, I have no idea what I'll be doing 50-60 years down the road. I hope I'm here to be doing something, though, and if I am I can only hope it's half as cool as this.

Well done, Mr. Becker.

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