Family sayings.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Anyone else end up using sayings or words that you're family often say in convosations and people have been like..what? and you never realised that it was just really you're family who say those phrases/words.
my parents make up a few words/phrases and have always usedthem.

my dad says 'don't give the little varmint too much' and refers to people, sometimes,whether he knows thier name or not 'Barty the..boyfriend/dog/old person'

and i call Extra strong mints 'Aiten cots' because i got muddled up when i was very small between extra strong mints and dried apricots when they were being handed about once..and it just kind of stuck so thats what people in my family call it.

and 'bulged' when you're too full to eat any more.
'bendy legs' for when you've got restless legs before you go to bed.

one of my cousins was having a convosation with somebody about 'chimleys' (chimneys) and the person had no idea what they were talking about.

'laughing like a drain' is apprently a well known phrase but judging by my parents track record of making up this kind of things..i dunno whether to belive them..

anyone else have stuff like this?
Well, I am trying to get people in my family and social circle to use 'Ye Gods!' to express surprise. It is not working very well :no:
my family all say jesus god in govan, we are not religious in any sense so its a bit weird ahaha