Fair to at least ask this girl if she's interested? She wanted to be 'friends'


Apr 5, 2008
but tried earlier too? Long story short, this girl and I were seeing each other for a couple months. She told me she wanted to be 'just friends' now in early november... but has since invited me to a movie (just a movie she said), a party she was hosting, and tried to kiss me and get me to come home with her on tuesday. Problem is I still more than just kinda like her, and I was upset at the time that she was essentially leading me on, especially since SHE was the one who broke things off saying she just wanted to be friends.

Except since tuesday my week has gone drastically downhill. I had one friend die in a plane crash, bombed a test, and got a suicide note from another friend, leading me to report him to campus health services, get him detained, thought when he got out he would be fine but since then he's been even angrier than before and his girlfriend (a friend of mine who came to me for help too when he wrote the note) blames me for this.

I could really use some company right now. I know it might hurt me in the future if I get attached to her again but right now...

How much of a hypocrite would I be? And is this just a terrible, drunken and upset idea?
You can keep trying. But most likely you'll get hurt. I know this sounds rude but as a woman I know we can be heartless.....shes using you! You're her back up plan....when the other guy ditches her....shes calls you. She keeps leading you on so you stay around so she has something to do when she gets bored. I'd ditch her.