Facebook and too much information...


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Is anyone else getting really fed up of being given way too much information on Facebook?

What I'm referring to specifically is, for example:

[Name] has just taken the quiz "what sex position suits you best?" and the result is:


*Insert picture here*


[Name] has just taken the quiz "how good are you in bed?" and the result is:




(in my highlights section)

"10 friends are fans of Sex. Click here to become a fan."

Right, fair enough, sex is sex and lots of people like it. I'm not a prude. But I just don't want this information shoved in my face, I don't want to know about sex positions people like, I don't want to know how "good" they are in bed, I don't want them to be explicit about the fact that they "like" sex. I don't want to know.

Is there anyone else who is bothered by this? I know you can hide things in your feed from certain applications but seriously, why do people even click the "publish" button in the knowledge that it's going to appear on everyone's pages?

Where is the dignity!? :mad: It's not just sex, there are endless applications that people publish and it gets thrown in everyone's newsfeeds which I don't like but I can understand it. Talking about sex generally isn't a problem, it's natural, but when it comes to really graphic details, no thank you. :rolleyes: On Facebook you don't have a choice to not see certain things and yet they get shoved in your face when you just don't want to know.

Anyone? :confused: Please join me in ranting. Argh.
The people who post that their favourite sex position is the cowgirl have never had sex in the cowgirl position. Nor will they ever. This kind of quiz isn't meant to be serious, its meant to produce stupid results that people laugh about because its so silly.
I have blocked them and hidden them form my feed. I have also blocked everyone that takes these quizes from my news feed.

I really dont understand why people become fans of some of these pages. "I like sleeping in," "I don't like being told what to do" - who cares.
Haha, I know someone who's just become a fan of "Sex" and "We love morning sex" etc. etc.. It's just his only slightly less subtle version of screaming "I just lost my virginity" from the rooftops
I wish there was a button to stop result from all quizzes showing up, not just on quiz by quiz basis.
my personal favourite is 'become a fan of rough sex'.

whilst i agree wholeheartedly with these so called 'fans' hehe, i would never advertise it on facebook for all my friends and family to see. and some of my friends who have admitted to it have disturbed me thoroughly. my cousin? the 15 year old down the road? my best friends ex? ugh.
They're facebook quizzes, the results are probably about as wildly inaccurate as you can get. Fortunately, it doesn't take much effort to block them so you don't have to see "Which anime character that nobody's heard of are you?" or "WHAT ******* **** WILL YOU ****** WITH ****?" ever again.

Edit: This thread reminds me of another reason you should never become facebook friends with family members!
Tbh that's not the information you should be worrying, so what who cares, the stuff you should be bothered about is all your details, and where you are and stuff is posted on fb (on public profiles). I'm sure stolen identity and dodgy people knowing where you're going to be when you're accept an event invite, or when your house is empty, is much worse than knowing if someones likes to shag in the cowgirl position.

ALthough, while we're on the subject, I got 14/16 in the Crack or Rack quiz :jiggy:
At least some people only overshare through the medium of quizzes...one of the status updates on my facebook homepage atm is "x is going for a poo and a ****" or something along those lines...I mean really!
yeh, im sometimes anoyedby that too.. but its even worse those ppl who have those 8 line status updates about some emo crap ...
Exactly. :eek: The rough sex one is just... argh!

I quite agree with this as well, but the sex publications are my current 'annoyance' :p:

Lucky! None of my *actual* friends are anything like that, it's all old school and Uni acquaintances really. Which touches on the philosophy of Facebook and whether you should even have vague "acquaintances" on your friends list but that's another matter!

Edit: oh balls, not anon anymore... ahh well :p:
you know what i'm really fed up of?

people posting **** about facebook here... ever heard of the hide notification button
they can also be turned off in the user OPTIONS MENU - jheeze some people :rolleyes: