Explain the logic in buying an $80,000 lexus when you can get well equipped...


May 14, 2008
...toyota avalon for $35,000? i just don't get it. i have avalon and it feels more than luxury car. in fact i feel its super luxury, with such spacious interior, comfortable leather seats and a very smooth ride. 268 horsepower engine, that reaches high speeds in no time.

but then when i see there is lexus for like $80,000, i don't see the logic in buying one when avalon offers so much for far less? isn't that money to burn and waste? who in their right mind would need 389 horsepower for everyday sedan driving? what are these buyers trying to prove? that they have elephant sized egos?
People who have money to burn dont really care about the price they just think they are more renown with a 80k lexus to a 35k toyota, so yes it is there egos that they think there better