Evgeni Malkin?s brilliant goal vs. Tampa Bay Lightning, an annual tradition (VIDEO)


Jun 17, 2007
Evgeni Malkin returned to the Pittsburgh Penguins on Monday night, his first game since being concussed against the Florida Panthers on Feb. 22. He celebrated by undressing, abusing and embarrassing the Tampa Bay Lightning defense for an unassisted goal of the year candidate in the third period:

That’s Eric Brewer sliding after the puck. That’s Matt Carle attempting to cut off Malkin’s approach to the goal. That's Anders Lindback in the crease, anticipating the shot before realizing the puck was moving laterally in front of him.

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That was Evgeni Malkin, doing what Evgeni Malkin does.

And he seems to enjoying doing it to the Lightning defense. Please recall this Feb. 25, 2012 goal in Pittsburgh against the Bolts.

Tonight must feel like “Die Hard 2” for Eric Brewer.

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