ever felt **** on your birthday?

I did for every birthday until I was 19. I enjoyed my 19th, 20th and 21st a lot. My 22nd didn't have the best run-up; financial situations dictated that I was likely to be unable to celebrate as planned. Luckily, things worked out in the end and the day was great.

Happy birthday, OP!
All the time.. its my birthday tomorrow and I'm doing absolutely nothing.. just ordering pizza.. if even that..
Happy Birthday! :)

I didn't feel emotionally rubbish on my last birthday, but i had the flu. It was my 18th and i didn't drink at all, because i was dosed up on paracetamol. C'est la vie unfortunately!
Yeah it's pretty common. I spent my birthday this year crying my eyes out for many reasons. But once I got to the pub and got a drink in my everything went fine lol
Happy birthday OP.

My birthday is tomorrow but last year I went through the whole college day without anyone knowing it was my birthday. Only one person knew because they knew me for a while before and she spread it to about 1 other person but apart from that, they've all been pretty cold.
I expect the same this year as I just started college a week ago. But nothing to mull over. :)

Edit: :eek: crying on your birthday sweet_pea? Don't mean to pry but what happened?
Awww *hugs* My 17th this year was pretty ***** too.
Many of my friends 'forgot' and school that day was miserable.

I spent my 18th in a wet field packing camping gear then spent 6 hours in the car. Got in and fell asleep.
Yeah I think last year or the year before it was pretty ****.
tbh I think my brother and sister had a worse one this year. :sad:

THIS YEARS IS GOING TO SUCK MAJOR TOO. yay i'm 18, boo it's during the middle of exams. :sad:
Actually, i'm 18, that in itself will make me feel better. :)
Ha, I totally know the feeling. Last year, my birthday was on a Sunday and the first thing I did was clean up dog **** (lol the dog was going through a strange phase and my mum kept getting pissed off so I decided not to leave it) before the rest of my family left me to go somewhere (can't remember where :p:) and I got a cold bath. I went for a meal with my friends later, which ended in disaster as there were arguments going on in my friendship group and my best friend wasn't even there because she was on holiday in Florida :/

Reading it back, I sound like a whining brat but it truely was a rubbish day
I was sick on my birthday this year, the birthday before that I was stuck on a plane, my last good birthday was two years ago.
It sucks :(

When I turnt 16 just after GCSE results none of my friends bothered to say Happy Birthday because they decided to ignore me for a month because they were pissed off with me. (I didn't nothing to them)

When I turnt 17 the same small group of people didn't even bother again, it goes without saying, they're no longer my friends :)

Really though, Birthdays are just another day, nice for spending with good friends and an extra bonus if other people 1) even know about it (except the beats). 2) remember.
Oh do be quiet, I've got plenty of friends and I've hated my birthday since I was four years old. I don't like the attention and they are always such an anticlimax.

OP - Happy Birthday! :)
my last birthday was pretty rubbish! some of my friends didnt even remember!!! lol
i'm expecting it this year.. i turn 19 at uni on thursday.. can#t say i'm looking forward to in it the slightest.. freshers is bad enough as it is without wanting to be at home and celebrating it with a few down the pub with my actually friends and not randomers i just seem to be clinging on to.. :(
i turned 17 old 14 day's back, and everyone remembered, except my best friend. she became absent, and didn't even send a txt.
they're always an anti-climax. Even when I know it's just going to be a normal day, I get well excited and then disappointed.

My last birthday was quite good though. My 18th I went to the cinema with 2 friends and then to a bar with one and then went home. I swore my 21st would be amazing but I can't see it happening and it's in a few months.

Chin up op.