Even with all the new gadgets they still have things that do not work right....


Jun 4, 2008
...What things do not work right on? your gadgets: iPod, iPad, Laptop,iPhone, Cellphone, DVD player, CD player, Mp3 player? you pick out which give you a problem

sometimes my cellphone shows no service on it and that is so annoying. it will not let me call an international number for one reason or another. :(
The automatic blocking system is annoing here. Even YA is from time to time blocked. It is just to wait a few minutes and try again.

For the third time I have broken my nice Nokia and have given up any more repairs. Now I have a cheep one to the 10th of the price and I do not need to be afraid to break it.

I dont know maybe my android b/c it always freezes.And when i would be playing a game or on instagram it would force close.
I can't get Skype to work properly on Windows 7.

And international calls with my current phone company. They suck.
My cell phone freezes up nearly every day, which is really annoying.

This isn't relevant now but about a year ago my boyfriend and I had a DVD player that ate a DVD and would not open no matter what we did. We had to just throw the whole thing away with the DVD still stuck inside lol.
My biggest problem is with my desktop. I would like to trash it but they are so expensive and it's only 2 years old.
I have an Android tablet that has no Flash Player, no access to Google Play, the web browser is awful, and now it won't turn on.
My first cellphone (I'm on my second) broke in a very funny but terrible way. It was a flip phone, so it had hinges, and there was plastic over the hinges. The plastic started cracking, exposing the hinge. It wasn't that bad, so I didn't care. But one day I was using it, I was doing something else while talking, I dropped it on the carpet, and it snaps in half. :I
My old Nintendo DS also had a cracked hinge. (I have really bad luck with hinges :/) So the right side of the top screen was very wobbly, and it soon started messing up the picture on the top screen. And there was a crack on the touch screen. So one day I had it plugged into the outlet. I unplugged the charger from the outlet first, and when I went to take the cord out of my DS, it was molded in there. I have no idea how that even works. I have a new one though :D