English Quiz, I just need my answers checked?


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men--and what multitude there might be of them they knew not...they could have little solace or content in respect of any outward objects." (William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation: Book1, Chapter IX) The tone of the preceding passage can best be described as
() Frightening
(x) Dispassionate

One of the key questions for analyzing tone is: What emotion does the audience feel after reading the passage?
(x) False

One of the key questions for analyzing audience is: Did the author choose a subject that is of interest of a particular group of people?

The best graphic organizer to use to better understand a definition passage is
()a Venn diagram
(x)an idea web
()a timeline
()an illustration hierarchy

One of the key questions historical criticism attempts to answer is: When did the period in question begin and end?

One of the key questions historical criticism attempts to answer is: Why did the people make the choices they made in that particular situation?

Writers during the colonial period can be divided into which two main groups
()the poets and the ministers
()the explorers and the Puritans
(x)the Northerners and the Southerners
()the professionals and the amateurs

Explorers like Columbus kept journals
()so they could relive their experiences in their old age
(x)so people would know what happened if they died
()so their families could read about their adventures
()to impress the people back home upon their returns